Dernière mise à jour : 17/02/2025
The registration fee is 100€* for anatomic pathology residents from other countries upon presentation of a certificate.
*residency or scholarship certificate is required from residents.
Registration fees are not required for French DESV-AP students.
The registration fee includes training fees, lunches on site, coffee breaks, seminar materials and the Thursday evening cocktail. Travel expenses, accommodation, and other meals not specified in the program are NOT included in these costs.
Day 1 - Late afternoon (18:30 - 20:00)
Day 2 - Morning (9:00 - 12:00)
Day 2 - Afternoon (14:00 - 18:00)
Day 3 - Morning (9:00 - 12:00)
At the end of the training, veterinary pathologist will be able:
Veterinarians specialized in anatomic pathology.
Veterinary students of the DESV in anatomic pathology.
Veterinary Residents in Anatomic Pathology Training.
Alternation of various teaching methods, adapted to the different skills to be acquired. Lectures will provide attendants/trainees with the necessary theoretical knowledge, while practical workshops will familiarize them with analytical and diagnostic techniques. Case discussions will also be offered, in order to encourage attendants/trainees to develop their analytical and synthesis skills.
If you're having difficulties registering, please feel free to use Google Translate or ask for our help by emailing us at
For registration as resident, please contact us at to get resident rate.
Speakers :
Dr. Brian G Murphy (UC Davis, USA)
Dr. Adeline Decambron, dipl. ECVS (Clinique Vétérinaire HOPia, Guyancourt, France)
Organizing Committee :
Nathalie Cordonnier (ENVA)
Anne-Laure Bauchet (SFAPV)
Ève Laloy (SFAPV)
Stéphanie Muller (SFAPV)